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  1. Is the result of a SELECT like the one below using XQuery in SQL Server guaranteed to be in document order, that is in the original order the nodes are listed in the ...​questions-about... - Cached
  2. Questions About Sort Order Using XQuery. ... 6e8e4b99b66e Question 3 3/7/2013 3:59:15 PM 3/28/2013 4:35:00 PM Any questions related to XML in SQL Server 1 ...​sqlxml/thread/... - Cached
  3. Is the result of a SELECT like the one below using XQuery guaranteed to be in document order, that is in the original order the nodes are listed in the xml string ...​sqlserver/en-US/e5a5b37... - Cached
  4. Is the result of a SELECT like the one below using XQuery guaranteed to be in do cument order, that is in the original order the nodes are listed in the xml string ...​sqlserver/pl/e5a5b37... - Cached
  5. Performing XML processing at the server using XQuery has ... SQL Server 2005 supports FOR, WHERE, ORDER ... you can also specify ascending or descending for the sort ...​ms345122(v=SQL.90).aspx - Cached
  6. Browse other questions tagged sql-server xquery or ask your own question. tagged. sql ... Questions About Sort Order Using XQuery in SQL Server. 0.​xquery-to-order... - Cached
  7. Recursive XQuery Order by. ... SQL Server 2005 introduces a lot of new features, ... order persistence using cookies, ...​recursive-xquery-order... - Cached
  8. Sort by: Most Recent | Most Views | ... XSLT style-sheet to the raw XML data in order to ... of using XQuery inside SQL Server 2005 is that you are limited to running ... - Cached
  9. Interview Questions; Puzzles; ... Since they must be on for XQuery. When will use XQuery? From SQL Server 2005 onwards that XQUERY allows you to ... sort, order, and ...​General/2010/... - Cached
  10. As with other SQL Server data types, you can use the XML ... You can use XQuery within your Transact-SQL statements by ... You can use this clause to sort your ...​Retrieve-XML-data... - Cached