Replace current url with document.URL References
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If you put just a word or string in place of \"whatever\", it will just try to look for that file/path in the current location of where it is...for example: if u\'re on ...​url-with-document-url -
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Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It\'s 100% free, no registration required.​current-document-url... -
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Provides the URL of the current document. ... javascript document URL @April 13, 2009, 2:15 a.m. URL: Firefox/Netscape/NN 3 IE 4 Chrome/Safari/DOM 1 . Read/Write: -
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document.URL Note that the above line is case sensitive so we can\'t change the case of the above command. Here is the output of this code. Let us try to display a ...​document-url.php -
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Javascript location replace function of DOM window object provides the functionality to replace the current URL with new location URL and also allows you to redirect ...​Location-Replace... -
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document.URL functionality. JavaScript / Ajax / DHTML Forums on Bytes. Careers. ... the proper syntax for returning and setting the current window\'s location?​156721-document-url... -
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location.replace(\'[URL]\' + document.URL); So I need the current url to be send as a string of the \'site\' variable. Though the document.URL is not working, ...​document-URL-OF71GCG8.html -
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The URL property returns the full URL of the current document. Syntax. document.URL. Browser Support. The URL property is supported in all major browsers. Example.​url.asp -
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JavaScript offers several ways to display a different page in the current ... to the URL entered. <script type=\"text/javascript\"> location.replace ...​Location-replace-The... -
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Forces a reload of the window\'s current document. replace: ... document.URL. hash A string beginning with a hash mark (#) that specifies an anchor name in the URL.​816-6408-10/... -
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